On her Tour of Beauty in Morocco, Rachel meets local women who for generations have performed beauty rituals basedon the best ingredients nature has to offer. Argan oil, rhassoul clay and rose water are among many of the natural products used by Moroccan women to beautify their skin – as well as mint tea, which makes a surprising appearance as an anti aging tonic..

Moroccan Mint Tea

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Where Rachel went in Morocco


Chef Moha

In Morocco, Rachels on a mission to find the local beauty secrets, and what better place to start than at a hammam, a traditional steam and bath house where Rachel gets the full authentic spa experience! 

After she is scrubbed, polished and sparkling new, Rachel heads for the mountains in search of argan oil and rose water, two locally produced beauty products revered around the world,  with incredible anti aging and beauty properties.  At a local co-op Rachel learns first hand how argan oil is produced by local women in a very traditional fashion, and in the Atlas Mountains she visits the distilleries and factories where local rosewater is produced, packaged and sent all around the world.

Back in Marrakesh, Rach meets local celebrity chef, Chef Moha, and dines on some Moroccan specialities. And they dont just taste good - the local ingredients are famed for a number of medicinal benefits. 

Before she leaves, there's time for one last cup of mint tea - and a souvenir of her trip. Rache gets a tattoo! (a henna tattoo that is) and is in awe of the inrticate deisgns the local ladies are able to create by hand