
French Beauty Tips

7 Secrets of Olive Oil




If you think coffee is only good for your morning pick me up – then you may be limiting yourself. What if we said coffee could also be your answer for elevating cellulite. A trend that seems to be reoccurring in the beauty industry is ‘coffee scrubs’. Why? Because it’s speculated when grounded coffee is applied to your skin, it is an effective way to smooth out the uneven consistency of cellulite… So the next time your ready to throw out your cup of Jo’s grounded beans, you may want to think twice!


What causes cellulite?


Unfortunately ‘body dimples’ happen to the best of us, it seems celebrities and even those size 4 models cant escape the dreaded ‘C ‘ word (cellulite). While it can’t be confirmed the exact source, which creates cellulite, one way it’s believed to occur, is when there is an imbalance between the body’s connective tissue and the fat in ones body. Another supposed factor that plays apart is hormones, lifestyle, genetics and diet.


Will coffee exfoliate those dimples away?


The bad news:

The top layer of your skin is called the dermis and what lies underneath that layer is your adipose tissue, which is just under the fibrous band- the band is what pulls down the fat layer of your skin. In order for cellulite to be completely removed dermatologist say the bands must be severed (something which coffee grounds cannot achieve).


The good news:

It’s been found coffee can TEMPORARILIY help with reducing the appearance of cellulite. When coffee grounds are applied (and rubbed) topically to your skin, it has the ability to increase circulation and plump the appearance of skin to the affected ‘cellulite’ areas. Also as coffee grounds contain antioxidants, it may help with riding both toxins and excess water from the body’s tissue and lessen the dimpled texture and further increase ones collagen production.



DIY coffee and coconut Scrub via Hello Glow:



  • ½ cup coffee grounds
  • ½ cup coconut oil



  • Combine ½ cup of coconut oil (if not already melted, microwave briefly) + ½ cup of fresh coffee grounds.
  • Divide the mixture into (mini) muffin tins or ice cube trays. If you go for the ice cube trays, it’s advised to use 2 to get the best out of your scrub.
  • Once your mixture has set and if your not intending to use it immediately it’s advised to keep in the freezer.
  • Coffee can be a little messy, so it's advised to apply the scrub in the shower.